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SUNGHEUNG T.S. specializing in transparent displays - Introduction video

관리자 2023-04-14 Number of views 1,094

<< SUNGHEUNG T.S. specializing in transparent displays - Introduction video >>

SUNGHEUNG TS is an innovative company 

specializing in transparent display that is changing the world.

We no longer rely solely on opaque displays to show content. 

Transparent displays can now vividly display images and videos on glass surfaces

and they are already being utilized in various industries 

such as shopping malls, exhibition halls, advertising boards, autonomous driving, and elevators.

SUNGHEUNG constantly invests in research and development to improve technology 

and provide transparent displays based on creative technologies for the future.

With our cutting-edge technology, we are capable of bringing innovative changes and applications to various industries, 

and we look forward to your continued interest and support for our transparent displays.

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